Set down the overwhelm and slide into


Your step-by-step instructions to legally establish your business.


Starting a business on
your own is hard.

You’re wearing a ton of hats trying to do paperwork, contracts, marketing, sales, finances, and systems… all after you get home from your 9-5. It feels like too much and you don’t want to make a mistake. You’ve started and stopped a bunch of times.​

So now you’re constantly contemplating whether you have what it takes to start a business and maybe now isn’t the right time because you’re…

✕ Torn on your business type

✕ Baffled by business bank accounts

✕ Clueless when it comes to contracts

✕ afraid of accounting

 Stop the track, let us state FACTS


→ a WHY behind your business to propel you through the turbulence when it comes

→ a ROADMAP to getting started so you know where you’re headed at all times

→ a COMMUNITY to support you with questions and prove you aren’t alone

We’ve designed the blueprint to establishing your business and it starts with a strong foundation.

This course will guide you from shaky to solid ground, so you can proceed with the confidence of a Fortune 500 CEO.

Husband and Wife Duo The Pennington’s small business consultants black and white seated photo

Still not sure?
Let us know if any of these ring true:

→ You’ve had a business idea, but keep putting it off.

→ You’ve tried to start before, but felt terrified of all the tasks that come with being a business owner.

→ Your business google search history is expansive, but you still need direction.


If that left you feeling like “it me”, that’s because we see you! We’ve got the guide for starting the business you WANT to own. Are you going to take this opportunity and establish it?

Pennington Perspective Founder, Alisha Pennington leg wearing thigh high black leather boots with thin heel resting on cube

How do I know if this course will be good for MY business?!


We get it, someone probably said you need an expensive lawyer to set up your business. Lucky for you, we know the questions they’ll ask and, unlike guac, it doesn’t cost extra.

Simple Business Setup is a STEP-BY-STEP PLAYBOOK walking you through the process of starting a business! Having helped establish dozens of businesses, we don’t just provide a high level overview of what to do. We actually provide support and resources to help you do it!


Have we met yet?


We never set out to be entrepreneurs or coaches/mentors. Stepping into those roles revealed to us the power of self-employment and the value having a business can add to one’s life. We don’t just binge Undercover Billionaire, watch every Gary V video, or read the top business books; we run 3 businesses in our household, are planning a fourth, and have helped several others do the same. Instead of saving this information for our one-to-one sessions, we thought we’d combine all of the experience, details, and questions we often encounter about establishing a business and put them in one course just for you!

You have two business owners in your corner who have been there, done that…

Would that be worth $97 to you?

you’re right, sign me up →

 Don’t just take our word for it:

By the end of this course,
you WILL have….

Chosen an entity type and formed a business

Identified contracts + accounting to put in place

Successfully opened a business bank account

Set up your business to scale and grow



Founder Alisha Pennington wears olive green turtleneck dress and blazer with gold buttons wide legged stance

Over $3,995 in VALUE for $97!

Independent consultant Maurice Pennington sits on black chair wearing white shoes black slacks black blazer white shirt gold chain

This course is NOT for the aspiring business owner who…

✕ Wants shortcuts and TikTok hacks to starting a business

✕ Wants to do business off the books and on the low

✕ Wants everything done for them and isn’t willing to put in the work

This course is for the aspiring business owner
WHO WANTS TO BE INFORMED AND EMPOWERED while taking advantage of the many benefits of business ownership.


Do I get anything else?
We’re glad you asked!


→ Risk Assessment Checklist $97 — to ensure your assets are covered

→ Sample Business Agreement $300 — with every single clause explained

→ recorded conversations with a lawyer and a tax strategist!

you can do this

All you need is to commit ONE hour per week to complete this course lesson by lesson, which includes the homework!
Videos aren’t more than 15 minutes, so you can watch and get to acting on what you learn within the hour!

→ Step by step guide inside of every single module

→ Additional videos, resources, and tools

→ Ongoing support for any outstanding questions

→ A Community of aspiring entrepreneurs to build alongside

By course end, you’ll have a business established on a
foundation that is BUILT TO LAST.


Ready to FINALLY get started on your business idea?


This Course is INCLUDED with the P10 Mentorship Membership, more details below


This Course is INCLUDED with the P10 Mentorship Membership, more details below |